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Cat. Title Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINChristmas Wonderland 15 CE NLAdventureKwiebus651 month, 5 days601.2 MBNZB
WINRescue Team 16 Clouded Mind CE NLActionKwiebus651 month, 5 days953.12 MBNZB
WINBridge to Another World 12 The Christmas Curse CE-NLAdventureKwiebus651 month, 1 week2.59 GBNZB
WINSuddenly Meow Christmas NLBoardgameKwiebus651 month, 1 week207.14 MBNZB
WINMyth or Reality 3 Snowbound Secrets CE-NLAdventureKwiebus651 month, 2 weeks1.13 GBNZB
WINRescue Crew (multi)ActionKwiebus651 month, 2 weeks148.97 MBNZB
WINCriminal Archives 4 Blade of Deceit CE-NLAdventureKwiebus651 month, 2 weeks992.29 MBNZB
WINNature Escapes 5 CE-NLAdventureKwiebus651 month, 4 weeks1.74 GBNZB
WINRunes Hidden Objects NLAdventureKwiebus652 months, 1 week219.53 MBNZB
WINFamily Vacation 1+2 (verzoekje)AdventureKwiebus652 months, 1 week490.67 MBNZB
WINA Haunting Novel Burton Hotel CEAdventureKwiebus652 months, 1 week700.91 MBNZB
WINCity Legends 4 Witness in the Rye CE-NLAdventureKwiebus652 months, 1 week1.12 GBNZB
WINGloomy Tales 3 Hotel Frightsylvania CE NLAdventureKwiebus652 months, 2 weeks1.31 GBNZB
WINMystical Riddles 4 Ghostly Park CE-NLAdventureKwiebus652 months, 3 weeks1.19 GBNZB
WINMs. Holmes 6 Letter M CE-NLAdventureKwiebus652 months, 4 weeks750.78 MBNZB
WINNature Escapes 4 CE NLAdventureKwiebus652 months, 4 weeks1.75 GBNZB
WINAmazing Weekend Search and Relax 2 CE-NLAdventureKwiebus652 months, 4 weeks418.87 MBNZB
WINJewel Match Solitaire Seasons CE-NLCardsKwiebus653 months, 1 week548.82 MBNZB
WINLaruaville 15 NLBoardgameKwiebus653 months, 1 week126.94 MBNZB
WINMaze of Realities 4 Symphony of Invention-CE-NLAdventureKwiebus653 months, 2 weeks1.32 GBNZB
WINGrim Tales Light in the Darkness CE-NLAdventureKwiebus653 months, 2 weeks759.91 MBNZB
WINMagic City Detective 4 Wrath of the Ocean CE-NLAdventureKwiebus653 months, 3 weeks1.03 GBNZB
WINRoads of Rome New Generation 3 NLActionKwiebus654 months, 5 days222.29 MBNZB
WINPhantasmat Bundle-NL (verzoekje)AdventureKwiebus654 months, 1 week1.23 GBNZB
WINMortimer Beckett Bundle-NLAdventureKwiebus654 months, 1 week1.3 GBNZB