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Cat. Title Genre Sender Age Size NZB
MACEmpress of the Deep The Darkest Secretblg1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
MACHidden Mysteries Secrets of the White Houseblg1 decade, 4 yearsn/a    
MACCall of duty modern warfareActionSteines1 decade, 3 years7.55 GBNZB
MACMy BruteActionAnonymous1 decade, 3 years1 KBNZB
MACDungeon Hunter: AllianceActionrocedlaaw1 decade, 3 years72.88 MBNZB
MACMafia II Directors CutActionIANMOONE1 decade, 3 years12.19 GBNZB
MACBrutal_Legend_MACOSX-MONEYActioncanislupus1 decade, 1 year8.76 GBNZB
MACAngry Birds Star Wars V1.4.0ActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 1 year158.87 MBNZB
MACStar Wars® Jedi Knight: Jedi AcademyActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 1 year1.36 GBNZB
MACStar Wars Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast Multilingual MacOSXActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 1 year715.88 MBNZB
MACUnearthed Trail of Ibn Battuta Episode 1 MACOSXActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 1 year4.74 GBNZB
MACBatman Arkham Asylum Multilingual MacOSXActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 10 months10.22 GBNZB
MACBatman Arkham City GOTY Multilingual MacOSXActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 10 months10.22 GBNZB
MACHitman Absolution MACOSXActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 7 months15.29 GBNZB
MACCannon.Brawl.MacOSX-ACTiVATEDActionThePingPong1 decade, 4 months471.51 MBNZB
MACWasteland 2 MacOSX-Razor1911ActionThePingPong1 decade, 4 months12.99 GBNZB
MACBatman Arkham City GOTY Multilingual MacOSX ( NU WEL ;) )ActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 10 months11.33 GBNZB
MACGTA IVActionRUBEN1 decade, 3 years15.32 GBNZB
MACAtlantis The New World MACOSX-MONEYActionmibster1 decade, 2 years1.41 GBNZB
MACVelvet AssassinActionalian1 decade, 1 year4.27 GBNZB
MACXCOM: Enemy Unknown - Elite EditionActionalian1 decade, 1 year13.45 GBNZB
MACPolice Quest Series [MAC OSX]ActionSmuff1 decade, 11 months45.47 MBNZB
MACVan Toor Spot * Spellen Grabbelton Mac 8 Maart 2012Actionadriaan1 decade, 2 years909.17 MBNZB
MACA Valley Without Wind 2 MacOSXActionDavidoffSmoker1 decade, 1 year681.99 MBNZB
MACThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II MacOSX-ACTiVATEDActionThePingPong1 decade, 4 months11.34 GBNZB