<< DivX To Live and Die in Amsterdam 2016 HDRip XviD AC3-EVO
To Live and Die in Amsterdam 2016 HDRip XviD AC3-EVO
Category Image
Date 8 years, 4 months
Size 1.44 GB
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Sender ThePingPong (CX3x2g)
Tag PingPong
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Post Description

An Interpol agent takes a mission to come to Amsterdam to investigate a drug ring. The new drug they are selling costs $100,000 a hit because it takes the person to Nirvana for two weeks. The catch is the drug Adrenalzon comes from dead people and only when they are having a heightened sense of fear near their death relating to their adrenaline gland. In other words – someone has to die for the person to get just one hit of the drug. The new drug dealer, king pin Paradisco begins making a fortune being the only Adrenaline dealer in the world. Paradiso begins to take over the whole drug trade in entire Europe. The only thing stopping this madman is the even crazier fallen Interpol agent, Swan, who can't seem to give up his own addictions. The only one who believes Swan can prove himself worthy again is his courageous sidekick, a sexy Russian Interpol agent.

Container Format AVI
Bitrate 465 bps
Duration 1h 11mn
Format MPEG-4 Visual
Codec XVID
Resolution 720x400
Aspect 16:9
Framerate 23.976
Library XviD 66
Title ac3
Format AC-3
Bitrate Mode Constant
Bitrate 192 Kbps
Channels 2 channels
Sample Rate 48.0 KHz

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