<< DivX Hacks s01e01 met Michael Kitchen
Hacks s01e01 met Michael Kitchen
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LanguageNo subtitles
LanguageEnglish audio/written
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 415.82 MB
Website http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/8983464/Hacks-the-phone-hacking-satire-that-puts-the-tabloids-in-the-stocks.html
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Post Description

A new Channel 4 comedy satirises the recent phone-hacking scandal

With stories taken right out of the NewsCorp phone hacking scandal, "Hacks" is a TV movie (40-odd minutes) based on the running of a British tabloid, that hits the mark and then stamps on it.

Fast-paced dialogue and quick cuts make the movie seem like it has action and purpose, which it ultimately does, even though most of it is exposition. The writing is very sharp and the satire keeps on coming.

It's much more serious than initially appears and, though it is a comedy, it slips into drama a few times. Being just 40 minutes long means it doesn't outstay its welcome and takes itself as serious as spying on celebrities should be. "They're celebs. If they have a publicist, it's fair game".

The cast is amazing, with Claire Foy and Michael Kitchen doing amazing work.

It's January 1st and 2012 is already looking good thanks to "Hacks". The only downside is that it will get dated very soon. In a few months, maybe a year, the deeper meaning will be lost and the movie will seem trivial. Nevertheless, it deserves more.

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