<< WIN Minecraft 1.16.4+ (online speelbaar)
Minecraft 1.16.4+ (online speelbaar)
Category Games
Date 3 years, 10 months
Size 8.95 MB
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Minecraft+1.16.4%2B+%28online+speelbaar%29
Sender copyitright (wkPjzQ)
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-:- Minecraft 1.16.4+ (online speelbaar) -:-

We zijn weer 2 maanden verder, maar nog steeds in die ^%*$%(% pandemie >_<

Anyway... Voor degenen die Minecraft niet aan de praat krijgen, hier een (zoveelste) update van mij...

Er blijft echter nog een grote uitdaging over welke alles bepalend/beslissend zal zijn voor de houdbaarheid van m'n launcher (Microsoft Accounts)...

Hoe het ook mag lopen, enjoy! (kan altijd nog overwegen m'n server opnieuw aan te slingeren :p )

Hieronder volgt een stukje changelog met de recentste launcher wijzigingen (de volledige changelog vind je op https://changelog.minecraftlauncher.nl ):


(11-01-2021 @ 17:36 CET/UTC+1) - "I can't Think of a Name" update

* "Cracked" users can now be added regardless of current Auth server block state

* Readded launcher notice for when my launcher has (possibly) become outdated

* Changed some descriptions that referred to switching launcher files

* Global script optimizations/tweaks (UPDATED)

* Updated Website downloads to build/version 08012021-1700 (UPDATED)

(10-01-2021 @ 01:16 CET/UTC+1) - "The Simp(lified)" update

* My launcher and 'Auth (un)blocker' now see the difference between "Mojang" and "Xbox" accounts (no support for Microsoft Accounts yet)
(apparently "Xbox" account information is also partly written to 'launcher_accounts', instead of only 'launcher_msa_credentials'... :| )

* Simplified the working of 'Auth (un)blocker' by removing launcher file switching
(this also makes checking of mixed accounts irrelevant, because different account types can coexist)

Due to the above changes it has become more important to NOT select a different account type before having used 'Auth (un)blocker'
Besides this, it is strongly advised to use my launcher to start the game, as my launcher runs important account/block state checks


Perhaps I've made it sound less simple now, but please give it a try and share your thoughts about it :)

(08-01-2021 @ 17:00 CET/UTC+1) - "A Trip Down Memory Lane" update

* Again resolved problems with the recognizing of "cracked" user profiles...

* Don't iterate through loop when both DDNS update hosts are already set

* Improved some grammar to hopefully clear up any confusion about mixed "cracked"/legitimate accounts

* Updated curl to version 7.74.0


- copyitright | www.playfreeminecraft.nl

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