Post Description
Game Description: ..The shadow of Frank Stone looms over Cedar Hills, a town forever altered by his violent past. As a group of young friends are about to discover, Stone’s blood-soaked legacy cuts deep, leaving scars across families, generations, and the very fabric of reality itself..
DeLuxe Edition: .. "Frank Stone Mask" Cosmetic for The Trapper [DELUXE EXCLUSIVE].."Frank Stone" Badge & Banner [DELUXE EXCLUSIVE]..3 Rellik Doll Charms [DELUXE EXCLUSIVE].."Murder Mill" Shirt Cosmetic for all Original Survivors.."Murder Mill" Badge & Banner..2 Million Bloodpoints..
DLC Included: .. Pre Order Content..DeLuxe Content..
<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>
<<>> Windows: 10/11 x64 ONLY!
<<>> Processor: Intel Core i5/8400
<<>> Memory: 16 GB RAM
<<>> Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 1080
<<>> DirectX: 11/12
<<>> Supported Languages: Multi-15
Genre: ..Adventure
Veel plezier met je verzoekje..bij deze dan..grz theHood!..
NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..
>>..eLAmigos is already cracked after instal..
>>..WW = 404
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