<< WIN Mystery Solitaire The Black Raven 3
Mystery Solitaire The Black Raven 3
Category Games
Date 4 months, 1 week
Size 43.72 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Mystery+Solitaire+The+Black+Raven+3
Sender Hoodlum (5KXKzA)
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Post Description

Game Description: ..Have fun with the sequel to Mystery Solitaire - The Black Raven 3. Travel to a spellbinding faraway universe while experiencing the mysterious atmosphere produced by a superb writer! The game features 200 levels spread over 20 different locations. A good game will net you a slew of strange awards and the game's enormous number of levels will allow you to play for several hours every day! The game's unique game balance and level difficulty will allow you to both enjoy and strain your thinking..

Features: ..200 levels in 20 locations..Solitaire card game - collect a chain of cards!..Use the joker when in difficulty..Combo multiplier, get more coins!..15 mystical rewards!..Original themed decks and 12 card shirt styles!..

<<>> Minimum System Requirements <<>>

<<>> Windows: 10/11
<<>> Processor: Intel Core i3
<<>> Memory: 8 GB RAM
<<>> DirectX: 10
<<>> Languages: English

Genre: ..BoardGame/Cards


Veel plezier met je verzoekje!..bij deze dan..grz the Hood!

NOTE: Installeren en/of Uitpakken en spelen maar!..

>>..Nr:3 uit de reeks/serie..

>>..Geen WW vereist/nodig..

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