<< MP3 Zappa Related - Geronimo Black 1972
Zappa Related - Geronimo Black 1972
Category Sound
Date 8 years, 11 months
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De Band van Jimmy Carl Black. 

1 Low Ridin' Man 4:15
2 Siesta 4:14
3 Other Man 3:01
4 L.A. County Jail '59 C/S 4:16
5 Let Us Live 4:28
6 Bullwhip 4:16
7 Quaker's Earthquake 2:48
8 Gone 3:10
9 An American National Anthem 6:53
10 '59 Chevy 3:35

Geronimo Black would be just another of the hundreds of all but forgotten semi-progressive hard rock bands of the early '70s but for the pedigree of the group's members. Geronimo Black was formed by former Mothers of Invention drummer Jimmy Carl Black in 1970, shortly after Frank Zappa broke up the original Mothers. Named after his youngest son (who has since grown up to be a musician himself), Geronimo Black was Black's band all the way, although he was one of two lead singers and everyone in the band contributed to the songwriting. Besides Black on drums and vocals and his Mothers bandmate Bunk Gardner on keyboards and reeds, the group also included sax player Tjay Cantrelli (who had previously been in the second lineup of Love), guitarist and singer Denny Walley (who ironically would later work for Frank Zappa for several years in the late '70s and early '80s), bassist Tom Leavey, and drummer and keyboardist Andy Cahan (who would later join another set of ex-Zappaites, Flo & Eddie). This lineup signed with MCA Records and released their first album, Geronimo Black, in 1972. Though it's a surprisingly solid album with a varied and occasionally experimental sound, the record attracted almost no attention and the group split up shortly after its release.

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