<< DivX Stiff (2004)
Stiff (2004)
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Category Image
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://akas.imdb.com/title/tt0376209/
Sender JustMeToo
Tag JustMeToo
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Post Description


Comedy | Crime
93 minuten

geregisseerd door John Clarke
met David Wenham, Mick Molloy en Deborah Kennedy

Murray is an advisor to Angelo Agnelli, Minister for Ethnic Affairs. Agnelli is a rising star in the party. Big boy; big suit; big hurry. His is loud, cunning and has a vocabulary based largely on the reproductive cycle.

Murray is slightly further down the political food-chain. He is smart but slightly disorganised. Appealing but slightly shambolic. Sensitive but slightly heroic. Murray Whelan but slightly David Wenham.

When a body is found in the freezer at the meatworks in Agnelli's electorate, Murray is sent on a mission. On the positive side, the mission involves contact with the beautiful Ayisha. On the negative side, someone tries to kill Murray, his roof falls in, his office is taken over, his car sinks, his ex-wife arrives and his boss may well be insane.

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