<< MAC Earth 2140 Trilogy (CXSkin)
Earth 2140 Trilogy (CXSkin)
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://gog.com/en/gamecard/earth_2140_trilogy
Sender Phatt4D
Tag Phatt4D
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Post Description

Earth 2140 Trilogy

The year is 2140. After numerous wars and several environmental disasters, only two world powers remain;
the United Civilized States (UCS) covering the American continent, Western Europe and North Africa,
and the Eurasian Dynasty (ED) covering the coherent landmasses of Eastern Europe and Asia.

The damage caused by the long wars led both world powers to evacuate the population to recently built underground cities. Australia and most parts of Africa were sacrificed during the long wars, which lasted several decades.
Highly toxic biological and chemical weapons were developed on these continents, leaving them so badly contaminated,
that no human life can survive there.
Most of the world's population forgot that this land ever existed.

Conflicts between UCS and the ED escalated and became the final world war.
This war will decide who will get the last of the available natural resources and ultimately rule the world.

Includes the original Earth 2140 plus the first and the second mission packs.

Mac OSx 10.4 or later


|| Lees altijd de "HowTo" op de .DMG eerst voor de verdere info!!

|| Mac software uitpakken doe je op een mac!!
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|| Cider Macgames zijn eigen ports en werken op mijn Macbook Pro!

|| Volg Phatt4D op Twitter: @Phatt4D

|| Staat in:
|| a.b.mac.games

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