<< WAV Robbie Robertson - Music For The Native Americans
Robbie Robertson - Music For The Native Americans
Category Sound
Date 3 years, 3 months
Size 830.99 MB
Spotted with Spotnet
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=Robbie+Robertson+-+Music+For+The+Native+Americans
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Post Description

Na een lange tijd weer eens beluisterd, wat is het toch een mooie plaat.

Je kunt bijna het hele album beluisteren via YT

Robbie Robertson's third solo album was his soundtrack for a TBS documentary,
'The Native Americans'. In fact, many of the tracks here feature Native American
musicians singing against musical backdrops arranged by Robertson, and these are often
stunning - highlights include the intimate, intricate female harmonies of 'Mahk Jchi
(Heartbeat Drum Song)', the circular chants of 'Ancestor Song', and the eerie,
unsettling ambience of 'Twisted Hair'.
But Robertson's own contributions are decidedly mixed - the plodding, largely spoken tracks
'It is a Good Day to Die' and 'Words of Fire, Deeds of Blood' are both deadly dull,
'Golden Feather' transparently rewrites the earlier, better song 'Broken Arrow', and Madonna
collaborator and nineties light-rock hitmaker Patrick Leonard is somewhat bizarrely brought
in to add some pop sheen to 'Skinwalker'. An intermittently beautiful but somewhat inconsistent collection.

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♫ Enjoy

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