Post Description
Maple v14
Maple is the ultimate productivity tool for solving mathematical problems and creating interactive technical applications.
Intuitive and easy to use, it delivers the most advanced, complete, reliable mathematical capabilities that can only
come from a market-leading tool that has been developed and tested over 25 years.
Maple allows you to create rich, executable technical documents that provide both the answer and the thinking behind the analysis.
Maple documents seamlessly combine numeric and symbolic calculations, explorations, mathematical notation, documentation,
buttons and sliders, graphics, and animations that can be shared and reused by your colleagues.
G4 or better.
Mac OS X 10.4 or later. (PPC)
Mac OS X 10.4.4 or later. (Intel)
|| Lees altijd de "HowTo" op de .DMG eerst voor de verdere info!!
|| Mac software uitpakken doe je op een mac!!
|| Gebruik geen SABNZBD, maar NNTPGrab/NZBvortex/Unison/etc..!!
|| SABNZBD kan MIJN apps vernaggelen tijdens het uitpakken!!
|| En het kan zijn dat SABNZBD mijn spots niet compleet binnenhaalt!!
|| Volg Phatt4D op Twitter: @Phatt4D
|| Incl 10% Par2
|| Staat in:
|| a.b.mac
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