<< WIN Spectrasonics Omnisphere Software Update 2.5.1d WiN OSX
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Software Update 2.5.1d WiN OSX
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Date 6 years, 4 months
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Post Description

Spectrasonics has updated Omnisphere 2 to v2.5.1d. This update has new enhancements and fixes, including support for macOS Mojave, User Audio import by drag and drop into the Granular page, add envelope points by double click, using the mouse wheel to scroll over menu items and more.

Omnisphere 2 Software 2.5.1d 10-15-18

Support for macOS Mojave
Enhancement: User Audio import by drag-and-drop into Granular page
Enhancement: Add envelope point with a double-click
Enhancement: Show indication of when a control is waiting for MIDI learn to complete
Enhancement: Use mouse wheel to scroll over menus items
Fixes broken Layer linking when Shared Signal Path is switched from "Shared" to "Normal"
Fixes Publish Library action menu selection issue
Fixes incorrect state of FX module On/Off when controlled via MIDI CC
Fixes broken LFO Preset loading on Windows
Fixes minor issue on background bitmap of Radio Delay effect
Fixes rare crash caused by two rendering threads (host multi-core processing enabled) that share same SS and start same note at same time
Fixes bug in Soundsource browser (layers C,D) where user could cause multi browser to appear
Fixes issue in Mac installer where it would show "Waiting for volume to be inserted.." message incorrectly
Fixes issue where using mod wheel to adjust sliders was not working correctly (Windows only)
Fixes crash in Mainstage related to highlighting controls to show modulation
Fixes Arpeggiator sequence graphical issue when Arp Clock set to 1/1 Triplet
Fixes EZ-phaser Mix slider parameter value display units wrong
Fixes FM and Ring waveform graphics not updating when layer is sampled
Fixes Smart Update: it now works when Mac users delete AU Plugin files
Fixes envelope section's yellow underline for SSP not visible immediately
Fixes Browser highlight rectangle misalignment on Windows
Fixes misaligned Arp Transpose text values
Fixes Satellite instrument background graphics issue
Updates Browser Settings background image
Minor tweak to background bitmaps of Power Filter effect


Installatie schijnt ingewikkeld te zijn, dus hier wat instructies die ik heb kunnen vinden:


1. Copy the Omnisphere file from the Files folder of the required bit depth: x86 / x64 / aax to the folder where your plug-ins and synthesizers are located.
For example: C: \ Program Files \ VSTPlugins
(After copying this file, make sure that its properties do not contain a tick for reading only, it must be removed, otherwise it will not work for patching this file)
2. Disable your antivirus (otherwise your DAW will crash with an error) in order to patch the file Omnisphere.dll and correctly register it
3. Run KeyGen.exe (as administrator) and press the PATCH button in the running KeyGen
4. In the window that opens, go to the path where you copied the Omnisphere file from 1 point and open it in KeyGen. In a few seconds, the following inscription should appear in KeyGen: Successfully patched! We close KeyGen!
We move along the path C: \ ProgramData (the ProgramData folder is hidden by default in Windows.) It is necessary to enable the display of hidden files in the settings.
Create the Spectrasonics folder in the ProgramData folder and proceed to it.
Next, create a shortcut to the folder STEAM in the Spectrasonics folder saved the main folder Spectrasonics from the distribution and in it to select the folder STEAM)
For example: E: \ Spectrasonics \ STEAM
5. Launch your DAW (You need to rescan your plug-ins and synths for new ones if it does not support this function in automatic mode) and load Omnisphere into it
Next, you will see a window with Omnisphere registration from which you need to copy Challenge Code by pressing the COPY button.
Start again KeyGen
Next, we paste the copied Challenge Code into KeyGen into the same Challenge Code line and press the GENERATE button.
The serial number in KeyGen is generated, which must be copied and pasted into the Omnisphere registration window into the Response Code line by pressing the PASTE
KeyGen button more We do not need it, we close it
Then click the CONTINUE button and in the next Omnisphere registration window that appears, it is indicated that the plug-in needs to be reopened in your DAW (To do this, unload (remove) the plug-in from DAW and load it again).
6. You need to wait a while (about 5 minutes) while Omnisphere scans all the paths and creates the necessary files. It will seem that your DAW is hanging and nothing happens. Do not take any action at this time. After the scan is completed, the Omnisphere window appears.Next we will talk about the shells Keyscape and Trilian (If you only use the Omnisphere shell, then there is no need to read further) The
distribution also contains Keyscape and Trilian shells (dll files). They can also be used, but not necessarily, since the Omnisphere shell has much more options for working with Keyscape and Trilian.
It will be necessary to copy the files Keyscape.dll and Trilian.dll from the Files folder to the folder where your plug-ins and synthesizers are located.
For example: C: \ Program Files \ VSTPlugins
Trilian has its own Keygen, which is located in the Files folder and has the name Trilian KeyGen.exe.
For Keyscape, use the usual KeyGen.exe (the one that activates Omnisphere).
It's worth noting that the files Keyscape.dll and Trilian.dll does not need to patch!
The activation process is exactly the same as in Omnisphere. I will attach only screenshots with a sequence of actions.
It is also worth noting that your DAW is likely to crash when you activate Keyscape (it may happen several times in the activation process)


I'm on a iMac with Mojave. Spectrasonics_2048_Keygen works, remember to patch the executable inside the AU component first.

1 ) Batchmod/unlock Omnisphere.component file located in HD⁩ ▸ ⁨Library▸ ⁨Audio⁩ ▸ ⁨Plug-Ins⁩ ▸ ⁨Components⁩
2 ) Use the Spectrasonics_2048_Keygen to patch the omnisphere.exe file located in the package content of the Omnisphere.component file (HD⁩ ▸ ⁨Library⁩ ▸ ⁨Audio⁩ ▸ ⁨Plug-Ins⁩ ▸ ⁨Components⁩ ▸ ⁨Omnisphere.component⁩ ▸ ⁨Contents⁩ ▸ ⁨MacOS⁩)
Hope that helps. Peace.


Is very simple, only you have to instal the update and then put in de desktop tue au component, patch with the keygen and put again in components folder, that´s all.


in virtual windows, I use parallels (copy the plugs there to the windows desktop after mac installation of all the installers) then after patching the "omnisphere" file inside the copied .component and .vst folders, copy the plugs back over the originals in mac. When you run the keygen in windows just have the plugin open in a daw to get the id # to use in the keygen in windows. Do that before "patching" in the keygen. Then close the DAW copy the patched files from win to mac and then run Omni again and if needed direct to your Steam folder if not in a default location. Everything works eventually, even standalone.

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