<< WIN Runtime Disk Explorer For NTFS. v4.21
Runtime Disk Explorer For NTFS. v4.21
Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 6.34 MB
Website http://www.runtime.org/diskexplorer.htm
Sender PennyWafel (LcsbMw)
Searchengine Search
Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

Windows based Disk Editor for NTFS file systems 
This sophisticated disk editor enables you to investigate your NTFS drive and conduct your own data recovery, using the following features:

Navigate your NTFS drive by jumping to the partition table, boot record, Master file table or the root directory
Choose between views such as hex, text, index allocation, MFT, boot record, partition table
Inspect the file entry details, NT attributes etc.
Search your drive for text, partition tables, boot records, MFT entries, index buffers
View files
Save files or whole directories from anywhere on the drive
Identify the file a certain cluster belongs to
Create a virtual volume when the bootrecord is lost or corrupt
Edit your drive by using the direct read/write mode (not recommended) or the virtual write mode
Conduct your own data recovery by taking advantage of all these features

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