<< WIN BP-Harrison Mixbus v2 3 1 Unattended
BP-Harrison Mixbus v2 3 1 Unattended
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 62.17 MB
Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=BP-Harrison+Mixbus+v2+3+1+Unattended
Sender BluesPower (BPdhog)
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Let op!! getest op win7x64 ook werkend op win8x64
installeren als administrator(rechter muisknop uitvoeren als administrator)
is na installatie geactiveerd!!

Xtra Note:ik gebruik zelf eset smart security(toch geen kleine jongen)en heb geen last van meldingen..wellicht doen andere dat wel, je kan deze beschouwen als false..vertrouw je nog niet? gewoon niet installeren dan!!!

veel plezier ermee
BluesPower(Albert King Rulezzzz)

MixbusT is a full-featured Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) with "True Analog Mixing"T: a combination of Harrison's world-renowned sound and features in an affordable, knob-per-function interface. Mixbus provides professional-level features to import or record an unlimited number of audio tracks to your computer, edit them, and mix them together. You can use Mixbus to record your band, mix a record, make a podcast, or edit the audio for your video.

Mixbus Features:
- Straightforward "knob per function" mixer layout based on Harrison's renowned 32-series and MR-series music consoles.
- DSP sounds based on Harrison's world-renowned analog and digital mixing console experience.
- Precision algorithms for EQ, Filter, Compression, Analog Tape Saturation, and Summing.
- Unlimited stereo or mono input channels, each with unlimited plugins, sends, and hardware inserts. (limited only by CPU speed)
- Phase, Input trim, High-pass Filter, Sweepable 3-band EQ, Compression, and 8 Mix Bus sends on every track.
- 8 Stereo Mix Buses featuring Tone controls, Compression, Sidechaining, and Analog Tape Saturation.
- Stereo Master Bus that features Tone controls, Analog Tape Saturation, K-meter, Stereo Correlation Meter, and Limiter.
- Automatic plugin delay compensation to support effects such as parallel compression without time misalignment.
- Comprehensive "at-a-glance" metering with peak, peak hold, and compressor gain reduction visible on every track and bus.
- Extensive DAW features via the Ardour Digital Audio Workstation, refined by Harrison engineers to be smooth and stable.
- Industry standard plugin support: Mixbus loads VST plugins on Windows, AudioUnit plugins on OSX, and LV2 plugins on all platforms.
- Industry standard audio I/O support: Mixbus uses ASIO/Directsound on Windows, CoreAudio on OSX, and JACK on Linux.

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