<< 360 Blitz-The League
Blitz-The League
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Category Games
PlatformXbox 360
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=Blitz-The+League
Sender wesje27
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Post Description

Break bones, pump steroids, throw your helmet, moon the crowd, and celebrate by sending some hookers to your opponent's hotel room to make sure they are too tired to play the next game. 

This is Blitz: The League, a game that strikes fear in the NFL and aims with every second to hit professional football below the belt.

Betting, end zone celebrations by a receiver named TO Mass, quarterback named Mexico?I'm surprised the game wasn't delayed to include some kind of sex cruise with a character called Pepper Smoot.

But in the end, when you're finished laughing at the various jokes and cut scenes, what matters is the gameplay, and while Blitz: The League has its moments, especially during two-player contests, overall the title suffers from inferior AI and unbalanced gameplay to the point where if the computer takes the lead with 15 seconds left, you know that's 15 seconds too long. Time to break out the money plays and win with plenty of time to spare.

***Releasedatum 2-2007***


***Spot, dus geen ondersteuning***

***Met dank aan de originele poster(s)***

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