<< | MP3 | Distant Shapes-Autumn Fall-EP-2016-GRAVEWISH -[Doom/Death Metal]- |
° ÛÛ ÛÛ Artist: Distant Shapes ÛÛ ÛÛ
² Û°° þÛ Album: Autumn Fall Ûþ °°Û
þ Û²ß Û Year: 2016 Û ß²Û °
Û ² Rel. Date: 2017-04-21 ² Û
± ± Genre: Metal ± ±
ÛÜ ° Label: Werewolf Promotion ° ÜÛ
° ÛÜ ° Source: CD ° ÜÛ
° Û² Type: EP ²Û °
² Û Quality: VBR, 44.1kHz, Joint Stereo Û ° ²
² Û Û ° ²
Ü þ þ ² þ
°Û Û° ß
Û Doom/Death Metal from Slovakia. Û
² ²
± ±
° 1. Melancholy of Being 4:37 °
° 2. Autumn Fall 3:55 °
° 3. Emptiness of Existence 5:07 °
° 4. Burial of Humanity 5:06 °
° 18:45
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