<< MP3 Lee Perry - Dub Triptych
Lee Perry - Dub Triptych
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 1 year
Size 129.12 MB
Website http://www.roots-archives.com/release/3483
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Post Description

Dub Triptych

Cloak And Dagger
01 - Cloak & Dagger - Tommy McCook & The Upsetters
02 - Sharp Razor V/S - The Upsetters
03 - Hail Stone - W. Wright & The Upsetters
04 - Musical Transplant (Adapted) - The Upsetters
05 - Liquid Serenade (Adapted) - W. Wright & The Upsetters
06 - Side Gate - The Upsetters
07 - Iron Claw - Tommy McCook & The Upsetters
08 - V/S Iron Side - The Upsetters
09 - Rude Walking - Tommy McCook & The Upsetters
10 - V/S Bad Walking - Tommy McCook & The Upsetters
11 - Caveman Skank - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
12 - Pe-We Special - The Upsetters
13 - Table Turning - The Upsetters
14 - Jungle Lion (Instrumental) - The Upsetters
15 - Cloak & Dagger Horns Dub Plate Pressure - Tommy McCook & The Upsetters

Blackboard Jungle / Dub Revolution
01 - Black Panta - The Upsetters
02 - V/S Panta Rock - The Upsetters
03 - Khasha Macka - Prince Jazzbo
04 - Elephant Rock - The Upsetters
05 - African Skank - The Upsetters
06 - Dreamland Skank - The Upsetters
07 - Jungle Jim - The Upsetters
08 - Drum Rock - The Upsetters
09 - Dub Organizer - Johnny Lover
10 - Lovers Skank - The Upsetters
11 - Mooving Skank - The Upsetters
12 - Apeman Skank - The Upsetters
13 - Jungle Fever - The Upsetters
14 - Kaya Skank - The Upsetters
15 - Dub Revelutions - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
16 - Womans Dub - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
17 - Kojak - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
18 - Doctor On The Go - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
19 - Bush Weed - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
20 - Dreadlock Talking - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
21 - Own Man - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
22 - Dub The Rhythm - Lee Perry & The Upsetters
23 - Rain Drops - Lee Perry & The Upsetters

Three heavy duty Lee Perry dub albums in one: Cloak And Dagger, Blackboard Jungle and Dub Revolution.
Almost everything on Dub Triptych is freaked out, echoing genius.

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