<< x264HD Physics of the Impossible: How to Build a Starship (TSC S01E07)
Physics of the Impossible: How to Build a Starship (TSC S01E07)
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://mkaku.org/home/?p=697
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Post Description

Explore the world of the seemingly impossible with the all-new series SCI FI SCIENCE. Hosted by internationally-renowned physicist and co-founder of string field theory, Dr. Michio Kaku, this series poses the idea that science fiction may not be so far from science fact. Examine topics that currently seem so far out of the realm of possibility, such as invisibility cloaks, teleportation, time travel and more.

From Terminator to Star Wars, no sci fi movie is complete without an intelligent robot! Theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku reveals how artificial intelligence will be created and how smart robots could threaten us all.

Hurtling across the galaxy in a starship powered by anti matter isn't some sci fi writer's impossible dream, as Dr Michio Kaku proves when he reveals his blueprints for a spacecraft that can journey to the stars. Alpha Centaurii is nearer than you think.

Airdate: 05-01-2010
Releasedate: 12-03-2010

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