<< WIN Tunepat Spotify Converter 1.9.4
Tunepat Spotify Converter 1.9.4
Category Applications
Date 1 year, 11 months
Size 131.15 MB
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Overview of TunePat Spotify Music Converter
TunePat Spotify Converter is dedicated to helping Spotify users download and convert Spotify songs to a standard format without installing the Spotify app. With it, Spotify Free and Premium users can transfer Spotify songs to any of their devices for offline streaming.

To make it easier for you to enjoy Spotify songs on more devices, TunePat Spotify Converter supports converting any Spotify song, album, or playlist to various formats, including plain MP3, AAC, FLAC, and WAV formats.

With the help of such a tool, you can quickly get Spotify songs in MP3/AAC/WAV/FLAC format and enjoy them on your MP3 players, AAC-compatible music players, car players, iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, and more.

Features of TunePat Spotify Music Converter
Convert Spotify Music to MP3/AAC/WAV/FLAC
Get Lossless Spotify Audio at 10X Conversion
Keep All ID3 Tags Information

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