Post Description
Ctrl+Alt+Del (CAD) is a gaming related webcomic and animated series written by Tim Buckley. The name of the comic refers to the Windows command Control-Alt-Delete. It premiered on October 23, 2002, and is currently updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The comic's focus has gradually shifted away from single strip gags towards longer story arcs and greater continuity. Buckley makes a living from Ctrl+Alt+Del, placing him in a small group of web comic artists devoted to their comics full-time.[1] Beginning June 2008, a number of smaller, humour themed batch-released strips entitled "CAD Sillies" began running on the news feeds, although they were soon given their own section on the site.
Wat kun je verwachten in deze spot?
- alle huidige jaargangen CAD compleet in mappen
- .htm bestanden om eenvoudig een jaar te lezen
- extra .htm bestand om komend jaar eenvoudig van de site te halen
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