<< WIN Big Fish Audio Amplified KONTAKT SCD DVDR-SONiTUS
Big Fish Audio Amplified KONTAKT SCD DVDR-SONiTUS
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 5 months
Size 1.08 GB
Website http://www.bigfishaudio.com/detail.html?1;16;1:::::::::::Amplified:527353
Sender ThePingPong (vxM1Og)
Tag PingPong
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Post Description


Release: Big.Fish.Audio.Amplified.KONTAKT.SCD.DVDR-SONiTUS
DATE: 09.2014
Format: SCD/DVD

This massive 3.5 GB (1.4 GB of 24-bit WAV files) collection of Contemporary Rock, Pop-Rock, Indie and Modern Rock Guitars is a celebration of groups like U2, Coldplay, One Republic, Fall Out Boy, Paramore, Imagine Dragons, The Fray, Jimmie Eat World and many more.

Amplified contains 12 massive kits with each and every kit containing three completely unique and different guitar sounds/parts (Delayed Electric Guitars, Power Electric Guitars and Ambient Electric Guitars) with multiple song sections (Verse, Chorus, Bridge/Breakdown, Turnaround and Outro) for each of the guitar parts. This freedom allows you to simply use one layer of guitar by itself or you can increase the depth, complexity and beauty by adding the additional complimentary guitar parts. This ability to add the amount of depth and texture needed along with multiple song sections gives you total creative freedom to tweak to your hearts content!

Amplified is packed full of 100% real electric guitars, real guitar amplifiers with real guitar pedals to provide you with the emotional conviction and anthemic guitar sounds that propels today's hottest Contemporary Rock, Pop-Rock, Indie and Modern Rock music. Explore your inner musician, create tracks never before realized and make music that stands out!

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