<< FLAC Elvis Presley - Back In Memphis ( 2 CD )
Elvis Presley - Back In Memphis ( 2 CD )
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 1023.3 MB
Website http://www.elvis.com.au/presley/cd/cd_ftd_back_in_memphis_classic_album.shtml
Sender Aaron77 (lFNOg)
Tag Aaron77
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Post Description

Elvis Presley - Back In Memphis ( 2 CD )

Cd's geript naar FLAC direkt vanaf het origineel inclusief cue+logfile en Tags.
Inclusief covers gescand op 600 Dpi.

al mijn eigen rips zijn:

- Rip direkt vanaf de originele cd
- geript naar losse flac bestanden dus niet naar 1 grote flac !
- inclusief cuefile, logfile, Tags en met de juiste tracktitels.
- Inclusief covers gescand op 600 Dpi.
- Inclusief 15% par2 files
- Uw eigendom als u ze meeneemt, een bedankje wordt echter gewaardeerd

Op het internet zijn genoeg gratis programmas te vinden om flac naar mp3 te converteren, of om flac bestanden af te spelen, of om cuefile te branden naar cd ( bvb Imgburn etc)
Ik rip mijn cds niet naar Mp3 of naar 1 flac file.

FTD will release 'Back In Memphis' as a 2 CD set in the Classic Album series in December along with the 2 CD set, 3000 South Paradise Road and the vinyl release, 'G.I. Blues Special Edition' 2 LP Vinyl Set. 'Back In Memphis' dives into the 1969 sessions in Memphis featuring 'Suspicious Minds' as a bonus track.

Disc 1

01) Inherit The Wind 3:00
02) This Is The Story 2:32
03) Stranger In My Own Home Town 4:27
04) A Little Bit Of Green 3:26
05) And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind 3:14
06) Do You Know Who I Am? 2:52
07) From a Jack To A King 2:28
08) The Fair's Moving On 3:13
09) You'll Think of Me 4:04
10) Without Love (There Is Nothing) 2:58
11) Suspicious Minds 4:24
12) Inherit The Wind (take 1, rehearsal, take 4/M with v.o. #1) 4:15
13) A Little Bit Of Green (take 1) 3:43
14) And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind (takes 1-3, 5) 6:35
15) Do You Know Who I Am? (take 1) 2:40
16) From A Jack To A King (takes 1-3) 3:13
17) You'll Think Of Me (takes 1-6) 6:39
18) Without Love (There is Nothing) (take 1) 3:17
19) Suspicious Minds (takes 1-5) 8:33
20) Suspicious Minds (take 6)

Disc 2

01) Stranger in My Own Home Town (jam-take 1/M) 4:55
02) A Little Bit of Green (rehearsal) 4:27
03) You'll Think Of Me (take 8) 4:27
04) You'll Think Of Me (take 14) 4:32
05) You'll Think Of Me (take 16) 4:32
06) A Little Bit Of Green (takes 2, 3/M) 5:04
07) Inherit The Wind (take 3M with v.o. #2) 3:24
08) Without Love (There is Nothing) (takes 2-4) 4:01
09) Suspicious Minds (take 7) 3:53
10) And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind (take 6/M) 3:57
11) Do You Know Who I Am? (take 4) 4:10
12) This Is The Story (takes 1-2/M) 3:27
13) You'll Think Of Me (take 23/M) 4:27
14) A Little Bit Of Green (take 3/M with v.o. # 2) 3:57
15) From A Jack To A King (takes 4,5/M) 3:02**
16) Without Love (There is Nothing) (take 5/M) 2:55
17) Suspicious Minds (take 8/M) 4:06
18) And the Grass Won't Pay No Mind (Take 6/M with v.o.) 3:32
19) Do You Know Who I Am? (take 7/M with v.o.) 3:18
20) The Fair's Moving On (take 1/M with v.o.) 3:19

"Till we meet you again, may god bless you...Adios" Elvis Presley

Some would compare Elvis to God, i mean... he is good, but he's no Elvis

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