<< FLAC Elvis Presley - The Sun Years ( EFE Fan Club )
Elvis Presley - The Sun Years ( EFE Fan Club )
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 330.15 MB
Website http://www.elvis.com
Sender Aaron77 (vXVcqw)
Tag Aaron77
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Post Description

Elvis Presley EFE Fan Club Edition 002 CD THE SUN YEARS 25th Anniversary Tribute CD

Cd geript naar FLAC direkt vanaf het origineel inclusief cue+logfile en Tags.
Inclusief covers gescand op 600 Dpi.

1. The Sun Years, 2. Elvis presents new RCA record player, 3. Interviews and Music, 4. Radio-spot for "Blue Hawaii", "Follow That Dream", "It Happened At The World's Fair", "Harum Scarum", "Speedway", and "Frankie and Johnny", 5. Vernon and Gladys Presley, 6. Nick Adams, 7. A Fan, 8. Elvis, 9. The Hayride story, 10. Heading for Famous, 11. Suspicious Minds, 12. Elvis telephone conversation 1971.

"Till we meet you again, may god bless you...Adios" Elvis Presley

Some would compare Elvis to God, i mean... he is good, but he's no Elvis

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