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Elasto Mania (Elma)
Boing boing. Get ready to bounce up and about collecting ‘em apples. Elasto Mania, or Elma, is about apples, flowers and bikes with super-elastic wheels. Drive over a hill, plummet to the ground and recoil into the air, all while not sustaining trauma to the skull.
This was probably one of the first game to include ‘physics’ (the wheels stretch and bend). That, combined with the ability to change your facing by pressing Space makes this a game that is adept at consuming a lot of your time.
Nog een oudje, een shareware dit keer. Behoorlijk lastig om te spelen en er zijn ENORM veel levels voor (zie weblink > levels). Alles wat je nodig hebt is erbij!
Veel plezier ermee,
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