<< WIN VSO ConvertXtoDVD - beta
VSO ConvertXtoDVD - beta
Category Applications
Date 8 years, 6 months
Size 66.39 MB
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Website http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
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ConvertXtoDVD - (Released 2016-08-03) [ View Issues ]
- 0011847: [Bug] saving a project with cut sections converts without cuts when project reopened (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011844: [Bug] Menu editor - Refresh issue with hints in treeview (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011843: [Bug] DVD angles not working - not isolating the angles (felicia) - resolved.
- 0009840: [Bug] crop and reduce text do not work well when using default simple menu (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011783: [Bug] mini cursor selector in menu for 16/9 menus (felicia) - resolved.
- 0010091: [Bug] default simple menu plays audio notification twice when titleset selected rather than once like in V4 (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011776: [Bug] when changing background video and using associated audio track and applying to all project only video is applied to all pages (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011774: [Bug] workplace error when changing background image on old menu template (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011794: [Bug] in cinema template selecting of audio streams does not follow sequential order (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011784: [Bug] no audio detected for particular ts file (felicia) - resolved.
- 0011513: [Bug] in menu wma audio always repeats first 3 seconds not playing the rest of the song (felicia) - resolved.
*if using old menu templates, reinstall them from http://www.vso-software.fr/products/menu-resources.php

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