<< FLAC Christopher Gibbons - Motets, Anthems, Fantasias & Voluntaries.
Christopher Gibbons - Motets, Anthems, Fantasias & Voluntaries.
Category Sound
Date 8 years, 2 months
Size 306.03 MB
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Post Description

Christopher Gibbons (1615–1676) was an English composer and organist. He was the second son, and first surviving child of the composer Orlando Gibbons.

1 Not unto us, O Lord
Alastair Ross, organ

2 Voluntarie in C
Richard Egarr, organ

3 Above the Stars by Saviour dwells
Philippa Hyde, soprano
Charmian Bedford, soprano
Alastair Ross, organ

Fantasy-suite in D minor
4 [Fantasy]
5 Allman
6 Galliard
Pavlo Beznosiuk, violin
Rodolfo Richter, violin
Mark Levy, bass viol
Richard Egarr, organ

7 Ah, my Soul, why so dismayed
Charmian Bedford, soprano
Philippa Hyde, soprano
Richard Latham, bass
Alastair Ross, organ

8 Organ Voluntary in C
Richard Egarr, organ

9 O bone Jesu
Charmian Bedford, soprano
Jacqueline Connell, alto
Susanna Spicer, alto
Richard Latham, bass
Alastair Ross, organ

10 A Voluntary for ye Duble Organ in A minor
Richard Egarr, organ

11 Fantasia
Pavlo Beznosiuk, violin
Rodolfo Richter, violin
Mark Levy, bass viol
Richard Egarr, organ

12 The Lord said unto my Lord
Philippa Hyde, soprano
Charmian Bedford, soprano
Susanna Spicer, alto
Alastair Ross, organ

13 Verse for the Double Organn in D minor
Richard Egarr, organ

Fantasy-suite in F
14 Pavan
15 Allman
16 Courante
17 Saraband
Pavlo Beznosiuk, violin
Rodolfo Richter, violin
Mark Levy, bass viol
Richard Egarr, organ

Veel plezier ermee..

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