<< WIN Tom Cosm - Introduction to Digital Audio Production Using Ableton Live
Tom Cosm - Introduction to Digital Audio Production Using Ableton Live
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://cosm.co.nz/index.php?option=com_content%26view=article%26id=159:an-introduction-to-digital-audio-production%26catid=24:tutorial-video%26Itemid=94
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Post Description

The set has only Ableton Live native instruments and effects (no VSTs) so anyone with a copy of Ableton can follow this easily. All samples are also included in the live pack.

Topics covered in the video include

&#149;Creating your own sounds from scratch using Synthesizers
&#149;Making drum loops using the piano roll and samples
&#149;Using EQing, Sidechain Compression and other effects to fatten up your sound
&#149;Making your tune flow and progress steadily
&#149;+ many more of my own production hints and tips explained in massive depth

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