<< DVD5 Airbrush Ass Kickin"" Airbrush Advice by Cross-Eyed
Airbrush Ass Kickin"" Airbrush Advice by Cross-Eyed
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LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://coastairbrush.com/products.asp?cat=14
Sender mbon
Tag airbrush
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Post Description

hier is de beloofde dvd hopenlijk maak ik hier weer veel mensen blij mee.
volgens mij is deze nooit gepost geweest op FTD
als je hem meeneemt graag een berichtje kudos is leuk..

suc6 met deze dvd

Ass Kickin" Airbrush Advice by Cross-Eyed
During the rendering of a high-profile painting, Cross-Eyed offers comprehensive professional advice on the business and technical aspects of airbrushing. This revealing, in-depth presentation provides an incredible wealth of information to make this one of the best instructional DVD"s on the market, and a must for your reference library!

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