Post Description
iCamCorder 1.5 (iPhone)
Eindelijk is ie er! Een noemenswaardige videorecord app voor de iPhone 2G/3G. Deze app streeft zelfst Cycorder voorbij dankzij vele opties zoals effecten en.... 4x zoom! (wat de standaard cam app van de 3GS niet eens heeft)
FPS: 15~25 (ligt er aan welke settings/effects je gebruikt)
Record smooth videos with high quality audio on your iPhone 2G/3G device, just like on the 3GS. The impressively smooth recording adds a valuable feature to your iPhone, that you don't want to miss in the future.
What's New In This Version:
- New Feature: Camera Zoom - 1x, 2x and 4x
- New Feature: Added Landscape Recording
- New Feature: New Userinterface
- New Feature: Black/White Realtime Effect
- New Feature: Old Movie Realtime Effect
- New Feature: Motions Trails Realtime Effect
- New Feature: Inverted Colors Realtime Effect
- New Feature: Bloom Realtime Effect
- Improvement: Improved Recording Performance
- Bug Fix: Camera sometimes stuck when viewing a video directly after it was recorded.
Veel plezier ermee!
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