<< WIN Video Copilot - Riot Gear FX Lite Version 353 mb
Video Copilot - Riot Gear FX Lite Version 353 mb
Category Applications
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 359.16 MB
Website https://www.videocopilot.net/products/riotgear/
Sender Crashdevil (JTIMzA)
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Post Description

Riot Gear

Pre-Matted Organic Stock Footage

. 155 Pre-Matted Visual Elements
. HD 720p 1280x720
. Royalty Free
. 5 In-Depth Video Tutorials

"We ruined our good pants so you don't have to."

What is Riot Gear?
Riot Gear is a collection of 150+ visual elements including paint, ink, grunge , tv noise, and much more. These pre-matted visual elements are easy-to-use and come with a set of free video tutorials. Jump-Start your movie trailer and amaze your clients with this unique collection of stunning organic effects.

What You Get: Over 90% of elements from live action footage!

.30 Brush Paint Images (Brush Painted Images)
.5 Ink Bleed FX (Effect of ink being absorbed)
.25 Ink Drop FX (Ink dropped in water and dispersing)
.10 Ink Flow FX (Smoke-like ink flowing slowly)
.20 Paint Splatter FX (Paint Spattered footage)
.10 Paper Textures (Unique textures from various paper sources)
.20 Grunge Textures (Organic photos of rust and mold and grunge)
.30 Splatter Images (High resolution pictures of ink splatter & dripping)
.5 TV Noise FX (Bad cable like effect and tv snow)

Now with 5 Free Video Tutorials: We show you what to do!

.Using Riot Gear with After Effects
. Red Paint (see below)
. Green Grunge (see below)
. 3D Painted Wall (see below)
. Text Bleed-in (see below)

Special Note from Andrew Kramer:
It was difficult to put into words what this collection is... We see these organic effects in commercials, music videos, and even movie trailers so naturally I wanted to bring these visual elements together. Included with this stock footage collection are 5 in-depth video tutorials that demonstrate the title graphics above. Not to mention, a couple of prominent design studios have already been using beta copies of Riot Gear! I'm looking forward to sharing their feedback with you soon.

Use for:

.Opening Title Graphics
. Movie Trailers
. Motion Graphics
. Organic Special Effects

Video Format: NTSC & PAL, HD or SD, elements can be used anywhere!
Video Frame Size: HD 720p 1280x720
Frame Rate: 60 fps Paint Splatter and Ink FX, 30 fps TV Noise
File Format: QuickTimeââ?z¢ 6 Movies & JPG Images
Pre-Matted Grayscale Effects and Color Grunge Textures

Video Tutorials only available with Riot Gear.

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