<< WIN AudioThing Effects Bundle 2023.6
AudioThing Effects Bundle 2023.6
Category Applications
Date 1 year, 6 months
Size 715.96 MB
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Website https://nzbindex.nl/search/?q=AudioThing+Effects+Bundle+2023.6
Sender Superbit (65AJuQ)
Tag vstplugin
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Post Description

AudioThing Effect Bundle v2023.6 CE (Win64; AAX*, VST3, VST)

Alborosie Dub Station v1.0.0 - filter, echo, spring reverb
Dials v1.0.2 - test equipment channel strip
Fog Convolver v2.1.1 - convolution processor
Frostbite v2.2.0 - multi-effect
Gong Amp v1.0.0 - resonator
Mantis v1.0.1 - vintage BBD Echo
Megaphone v1.5.4 - bullhorn / loudspeaker emulation
miniVerb v1.2.0 - 8-bit lo-fi reverb
OuterSpace v1.3.5 - Roland RE-201 space echo emulation
Phase Motion v2.0.0 - phaser
Reels v1.5.2 - tape emulation with built-in echo & tape-stop effect
Space Strip v1.2.0 - multi-effect strip
Speakers v1.2.3 - microphone & speaker simulations
Springs v1.3.3 - collection of vintage spring reverbs
The Orb v1.2.1 - formant filter
Things Bubbles v1.1.0 - sparkling filterbank delay
Things Crusher v1.2.0 - bit crusher & filter
Things Flip EQ v1.1.1 - tilt EQ
Things Motor v1.1.0 - morphing rotor effect
Things Texture v1.1.1 - granular reverb
Type-A v1.3.1 - enhancer based @ Dolby-A noise reduction
Type-B v1.1.0 - harmonic exciter
Valves v1.0.3 - vintage valve emulation
Vinyl Strip v1.6.1 - vintage multi-effect strip
WaveBox v1.5.1 - dynamic dual waveshaper
Wires v1.2.1 - soviet wire recorder echo

Bron https://www.audiothing.net/bundle/effect-bundle

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