<< WIN Kutools for Excel 26.10
Kutools for Excel 26.10
Category Applications
Date 2 years, 3 months
Size 92.46 MB
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Post Description


Kutools for Excel is a handy Excel add-in with more than 300 advanced features to simplify various kinds of complicated tasks into a few clicks in Excel. For example, Excel users can easily combine worksheets with several clicks, merge cells without losing data, paste to only visible cells, and so on. Undoubtedly, this powerful and user-friendly add-in will save Excel users a mass of working time and greatly improve working efficiency.
110,000+ Excel users' choice.
Combine multiple worksheets or workbooks into one workbook.
Count and sum cells based on background and font color.
Split cell contents into multiple rows/columns by space/comma/delimiter.

• List all open workbooks within the pane
• List all worksheet names of a workbook within the pane
• List all columns and titles of a worksheet within the pane
• Minimize the ribbon with one click
• Minimize the ribbon, hide the status bar , formula bar and ribbon with one click
• Show or hide horizontal scrollbar
• Show or hide page breaks
• Easily set or limit a scrolling area in active worksheet
• Interactively hide or unhide multiple workbooks and worksheets at one time
• Select a cell or multiple cells randomly
• Insert a unique sequence number
• Convert values store as number into text
• Swap two columns or two same size ranges
• Insert a specific number of blank rows at a specified interval

System Requirements
Support Office (32/64)
Office 365 and Excel / Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 2021

Support System (32/64)
Windows 7-11, Vista, Windows Server 2008-2019, Citrix System / Windows Terminal Server. It's not compatible with MAC!

1. Password Manager: When opening a workbook encrypted with a password, Kutools' Password Manager will appear in the Password dialog box even if the "Automatically Fill Password" option is not enabled.
2. Compare Worksheets: Optimized interface, improved processing logic.
3. Optimized startup speed, and improved stability and compatibility.

1. Fixed: The “Make Up a Number” feature does not work correctly when handling decimals in some cases.
2. Fixed: Errors occur when applying the “Dynamic Ranking Bar Chart” feature in some languages other than English.
3. Fixed: Applying the “Split Data” feature to a vast data worksheet may cause errors.
4. Fixed: Applying the “Split Workbook” feature may cause errors in some cases.
5. Fixed: When renaming worksheets using the "Rename Worksheet" feature, special characters in the new name may cause errors.
6. Fixed: Errors occur when using VBA to call Kutools features in some cases.
7. Fixed: Other minor bugs.

1. Turn off the Internet
2. Install KutoolsforExcelSetup
3. Run Register Registry
4. Enjoy

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