<< MAC SimCity Complete Edition MACOSX-MONEY
SimCity Complete Edition MACOSX-MONEY
Category Games
Date 1 decade, 16 hours
Size 4.5 GB
Website https://www.origin.com/nl-nl/store/buy/simcity-2013-/mac-pc-download/bundle/complete-edition
Sender ThePingPong (za5BFw)
Tag PingPong
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Number of spamreports 0

Post Description

─────────────────────── ------------------------- ────────────────────────┐
│ │
│ SimCity: Complete Edition : Aspyr Media, Inc │
│ │
│ │ │
│ Release Date : Feb 2015 │ Game Type : Simulation │
│ Release Size : 6 GB │ Protection : Custom │
│ │ │


Experience the newest version of SimCityT - the greatest city-simulator of all time.
This Complete Edition is packed with an expanded core game PLUS:

* SimCity: Cities of Tomorrow expansion pack
* Amusement Park
* Airship Set
* Heroes and Villains Set
* French, British and German City sets.

Create the city you desire and make choices that will shape your city and the Sims
in it. Focus on industry, or consumerism and your economy will soar - but at the
expense of your Sims' health as pollution spreads. Implement green technology and
improve your Sims' lives while risking higher taxes and unemployment. The choice is yours.

Unpack, extract and copy to applications

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