<< FLAC Elvis Presley - Singer Presents Elvis '68 Comeback Special
Elvis Presley - Singer Presents Elvis '68 Comeback Special
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 454.89 MB
Website http://bootlegs.elvis.com.au/singer_presents_elvis_from_venus.shtml
Sender Aaron77 (sZKZwQ)
Tag Aaron77
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Post Description

Elvis Presley - Singer Presents Elvis '68 Comeback Special

Cd rip direkt vanaf het origineel in FLAC, inclusief de covers op 600Dpi en inclusief cue+logfile.

"The next release from Venus Productions is titled Singer Presents Elvis and features unreleased recordings from the 1968 TV Special - in pristine sound quality. Hardcover book, 88 pages, extensive liner notes. "

Tracklisting :

Musicians warming up / Nothingville, Guitar Man (part 1, Evil section) Take 1 / Let Yourself Go (section 2) Takes 2-5) / Let Yourself Go (section 2) Take 6) / Let Yourselk Go (section 2) Take 7 / Trouble, Guitar Man (opening) take 1 / Trouble, Guitar Man (opening) Takes 2-3 / Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, Where Could I Go But To The Lord (incomplete rehearsal) / Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, Where Could I Go But To The Lord take 1 / It Hurts Me (section 4) Take 1 / 'After karate' (section 1) Take 1 composite / Guitar Man (section 1 escape) Takes 2-4 / Guitar Man (section 1 escape) Take 5-8 / Calliope Carnival (section 2 escape) Take 1 / Big Boss Man (section 3 escape) Take 4 / Big Boss Man (section 3 escape) Take 2 / It Hurts Me (section 4 escape) Take 1 / It Hurts Me (section 4 escape) Takes 2-4 / It Hurts Me (section 4 escape) Take 5 / It Hurts Me (section 4 escape) Takes 5-7 / It Hurts Me (section 1 after karate) Take 1 / It Hurts Me (section 1 after karate) Takes 2-3 / It Hurts Me (section 4 after karate) Takes 4-6 / Saved (alt. take) / Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child, Where Could I Go But To The Lord /, Yes, Yes, Yes, Up Above My Head, I Found That Light, Saved (master) / Nothingville, Big Boss Man, Guitar Man, Little Egypt, Trouble, Guitar Man (master) / If I Can Dream Take 5.

"Til we meet you again, may God bless you. Adios." Elvis Presley

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