<< FLAC Elvis Presley - Unedited Masters : Stax 1973
Elvis Presley - Unedited Masters : Stax 1973
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 507.54 MB
Website http://bootlegs.elvis.com.au/cd_unedited_masters_stax_1973_from_venus_productions.shtml
Sender Aaron77 (sZKZwQ)
Tag Aaron77
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Elvis Presley - Unedited Masters : Stax 1973

Cd geript direkt vanaf het origineel in FLAC, inclusief de covers in 600 Dpi en inclusief cue+logfile

"Out now from Venus Productions is a new CD, Unedited Masters : Stax 1973 in great sound quality. The first fourteen tracks feature mostly unedited overdub masters and some undubbed masters, all recorded during the famous Stax 1973 sessions. One of the highlights is definitely the complete unedited master of Promised Land with vocal harmony by Elvis himself, and partly used in the movie and on the album 'This Is Elvis'.

The eleven bonus tracks were all recorded after the Aloha Special for inclusion during the Special shown later that year in the USA. It features several takes of some of the performances, and dialogues between Elvis, the producer and his musicians. We are again able to present all these tracks in our usual 'out of space' sound.

As always there are no fade-ins, no fade-outs and all recordings were left as there were recorded."

"Til we meet you again, may God bless you. Adios." Elvis Presley

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