<< WIN Vengeance Electroshock vol.1
Vengeance Electroshock vol.1
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Date 1 decade, 4 years
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Website http://vengeance-sound.com/eng/indexFLASH.html
Sender audiojunk66
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Post Description

Vengeance Electroshock vol.1

Sample-pack with over 2000 fresh commercial electro house samples.
Mady by Andreas Hinz and Jens Gimborn

* over 2000 high quality samples made by Andreas Hinz and Jens
* all loops at 128 BPM and precisely cut
* all tonal sounds / Loops with exact root key
* optimized for absolute "club-coolness"
* reasonable sorted in categories like CL Hihats, OP Hihats, Ride etc...
* usable even for other genres, like harder techno
* contains set of bonus multisamples from vintage analog synths

Staat in alt.binaries.audio.warez

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