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Bingiovi DSP Plugin for iTunes v1.1
Welcome to the DPS Plug-In, a revolutionary interactive experience that changes the way you listen to your audio,
whether it’s your favorite music, movies, TV, streaming video or podcasts.
We are fanatics about sound, just like you.
We come from the film and music industries so we know the painstaking efforts required to deliver studio-quality sound.
The problem is, by the time the audio gets to you it is often compromised by todays compressed audio formats,
delivery methods and your playback system.
Let’s face it, your computer speakers or ear buds aren’t exactly a studio mixing room or movie theatre.
Until now, in the quest for better sound you have had only one option; Buy more hardware–and you can spend big $$ buying
new headphones and accessory speakers.
Digital Power Station technology changes the game.
Now, with a simple download of the DPS Plug-In, you can attack the audio signal at the source and remix it on the fly for
optimized playback on your existing hardware.
It’s like having your own personal recording engineer living inside your computer.
And if you use high-end accessories, they will sound even better.
DPS is not a one-size-fits-all audio solution. It is a revolutionary technology that enables our engineers to create living,
breathing, custom profiles to fit your listening experience.
DPS is an active processor that scans the audio signal in real time and using our custom profiles, optimizes it for playback on your components.
New profiles are constantly being created to suit new Macintosh hardware and other unique audio devices as they are brought to market.
All profiles can be downloaded in an instant.
The DPS Plug-In optimizes your audio by:
-Enabling users to customize their tuning profile settings
-Improving the audio quality of any media played through iTunes
-Improving the audio quality of compressed audio formats
-Improving the audio clarity of movies and TV shows
-Compensating for differences in volume between songs
-Increasing Bass Response, especially for smaller speakers such as those in a laptop computer or earbuds
-Improving clarity of both music and movies at lower volumes
Minimum System Requirements:
Mac G4 Power PC or Intel Based Processor 1 GHz or greater
|| Lees altijd de "HowTo" op de .DMG eerst voor de verdere info!!
|| Mac software uitpakken doe je op een mac!!
|| Gebruik geen SABNZBD, maar NNTPGrab/NZBvortex/Unison/etc!!
|| Het kan zijn dat SABNZBD mijn spots niet compleet binnenhaalt!!
|| Volg Phatt4D op Twitter: @Phatt4D
|| Incl 10% Par2
|| Staat in:
|| a.b.mac
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