<< WIN Painkiller Redemption *2011*
Painkiller Redemption *2011*
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Category Games
Date 1 decade, 3 years
Size 2.17 GB
Website http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/painkillerredemption/index.html
Sender mickeyinda
Tag mickeyinda
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Post Description

Painkiller: Redemption is an add-on released in February 25, 2011, as a downloadable game. Similarly to Overdose, the new expansion pack was originally a mod, created by a small group of fans under the label Eggtooth. It features new heavy metal soundtrack, better graphics, and 6 levels with nearly 6000 enemies to kill. Redemption continues the story of the series, featuring the return of Daniel Garner and Belial, both as playable characters. The development team promises a free post-release support for the game, which may include DLCs with multiplayer, co-op, or a new single-player chapter. Eggtooth Team didn't create any new content, so the new maps are the ones originally used in multiplayer, and all monsters are taken from previous Painkiller installments, including the final boss, who uses the model of King Alastor from Battle Out of Hell.

The game is narrated through animated text messages, and starts when Belial, the hero of Painkiller: Overdose, saves Daniel Garner from Eve, the current queen of Hell. Together, Daniel and Belial fight a big battle through her minions in the Purgatory, until they've found Bill Sherman, the protagonist of Painkiller: Resurrection. With Bill's help, they are able to strike at Eve and destroy her. The game ends with the surprising arrival of Samael, an angel of God who once tasked Daniel with destroying Hell's leaders. With Eve dead, Samael plans to use the dark essence left by her to become a new ruler of Hell. The game concludes with this, with Belial and Daniel understanding the the battle is not yet over.

Release is van Skidrow.

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