<< MP3 Elvis Presley - Mp3 Collectie Vol.5 - Elvis Concerts part.1 ( 140 Cds )
Elvis Presley - Mp3 Collectie Vol.5 - Elvis Concerts part.1 ( 140 Cds )
Category Sound
Date 1 decade, 2 years
Size 11.48 GB
Website http://www.elvis.com/
Sender Aaron77 (vXVcqw)
Tag Aaron77
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Elvis Presley - Mp3 Collectie Vol.5 - Elvis Concerts part.1 ( 140 Cds ) ben tot de letter D gekomen :P
Het is iets teveel voor 1 post :P

Al de cds zijn inclusief de covers alleen in various kwaliteit ( Ik rip niet meer in Mp3 dus dit zijn oudere files en ooit eens gedownloade cds e.d.).
Allerlei spul dus dat nog op enkele van mijn harde schijven zweeft :)

Alle cds zijn in Mp3 en minimaal in 128 kbps ( bootlegs in mindere bitrate heb ik weggelaten )
niet alle cds zijn voorzien van tags en titels. ( bitrate staat achter de cdtitel)

de cds in deze serie

1.09.70D.S. Las Vegas (319)
1.09.73 (DS) Vegas(192)
1.09.73 (MS) For the Fun Of It(192)
13.10.74 (MS) October Sun In Lake Tahoe(192)
14.12.75 Happy Birthday Charlie (2CD) (192)
15.11.72 A New Live Experience (192)
15.12.75 (CS) I'm Not Asleep(192)
21-08-1974 midnight-sunlight in vegas(320)
22 Jun 1973 Pouring Down in Uniondale (ES)(192)
24.06.77 One Night(192)
26.01.70 (ON) Time Stood Still Vol 1(192)
27.04.77 Walk With Me To Milwaukee(160)
28.03.75 (ms) lay some jive on me(192)
28.04.77 Live in Greenbay(192)
70.08.20 (MS) A Bright Midnight With Elvis(192)
71 Summer Festival vol 1(192)
71 Summer Festival vol 2(192)
1971-02-17 - las vegas hilton show(192)
1971-08-26 MS - Good Times In Vegas(320)
1974-03-18 - Richmond Colliseum(224)
1975 08 18 - las vegas in gypsy style(320)
1976-07-26 ES - Holding Court In Rochester(192)
10000 Roanoke Fans Can't Be Wrong(160)
A Blue Night In Vegas - 08-28-72 MS(192)
A Bright Midnight With Elvis 20-08-70 MS(192)
A Capital Performance 08-06-1975(192)
A Damn Fine Show(128)
A Dinner Bell In Vegas(192)
A Dinner date with Elvis 20-08-70 (160)
A Dinner in Lake Tahoe 13-05-1973(192)
A Hot Winternight In Dallas 28-12-1976(160)
A New Live Experience 15-11-1972(160)
A Place Of Worship 21-08-1972 MS(192)
A Rendezvous In St Louis 22-03-1976(192)
After The Falling Moon 9.08.73 (MS)(192)
Afternoon In Lakeland Florida (1976 Sep 04) (AS)(192)
All shook up 1975(160)
All Things Are Possible (71)(192)
Aloha from Vegas(192)
Aloha Rehearsal Show(192)
Alternate Memphis Midsouth Colliseum 17-03-1974(160)
america the beautiful vol 1(320)
America's Own V1 Uniondale 07-19-75(160)
America's Own V2(192)
An afternoon in Nashville 01-07-1973(320)
An Evening at the Forum 14-11-1970 ES(192)
An Impossible Dream 21 Febr 1971 (MS)(128)
And the king for desert 25-05-1974(160)
And Then the Lights Went Down(2CD)(various)
Another Night In Tahoe (1976 Apr 30) (192)
Another Opening Night (1972 Aug 04) (192)
Arkansas Assembly Pine Bluff(192)
Arrival of a king West Palm Beach 13-02-1977(160)
As I Leave You 19-06-1977(160)
At full blast11-08-1972(128)
At The Garden 09-06-1972(192)
Atlanta 06-06-1976(192)
Atlanta 29.06.1973(ES)(unknown)
August 14th 1970 (from Audio Tape)(320)
August Heat 71 10.08.1971 (DS)(192)
Auld Lang Syne (Dec 76) (2 CDs)(128)
Aztec King(192)
Back At The Falls(160)
Back In Portland 27-04-1973(192)
back in vegas_1969 08 22 DS(192)
Back on track 18-08-69(192)
Bad But Beautiful(192)
Baton Rouge 31-05-1977(192)
Beltway To Largo 27-06-1976(192)
Bicential Night In Syracuse 25-07-1976 (ES)(192)
Big boss man at lake tahoe 24-05-1974(192)
Black & White Night With Elvis - 19-08-1971(2CD)(192)
Black Diamond - 1976(2CD)(160)
Black Matador In Tuscaloosa 14.11.1971 (192)
Blazing into the darkness 11-08-1972(160)
Blistering Pace In Forth Worth 18.06.1972(192)
blockbusters_1974 05 16 OS(128)
Blowing the roof off 05-02-1970(160)
Blue Rainbow 25-10-1976(2CD)(160)
Born To Give Us Fever 23-06-1973(192)
Breathing Out Fire 06-10-1974(128)
Bringing Him Back Vol.1 - 26-01-1970(320)
Bringing Him Back vol.2 - 23-02-1970(320)
Bringing The House Down 15-10-1976(160)
Broken finger 28-09-1974(128)
Burning in Birmingham(192)
Burning Love Vegas Style 27-01-1973(192)
Burning Vegas Down (MS) 27-03-1975(128)
By special request! 30-03-1977(192)
By The Time I Get To Phoenix 09-09-1970(192)
Cajun Tornado(2CD)(192)
Candid Elvis on Camera 19-06-1977(160)
Cape Finale in Atlanta 3.07.1973 (ES)(192)
Carry Me Back To Old Virginia 10-04-1972(200+)
Casual Presley - Las Vegas (1973 Aug 28) (DS)(192)
Caught in the act 26-08-1973(192)
CC rider 06-02-1970(128)
Changing Pants 31-12-1975(160)
Charleston Rocks (1976 Jul 24) (ES)(192)
Charleston WV 24-7-76(128)
Checkmate in Vegas 06-02-1974(192)
Chicago Beat 14-10-1976(128)
Chicken and Diseased Rhinos 27.08.1971(192)
Christmas In The Desert - 4 dec 1976 MS(192)
Cincinnati (1976 Mar 21) (AS)(192)
City to city vol I (Anaheim 24-4-73)(320)
Cleveland Rocks 06-11-1971(192)
Closing Night FTD 09-03-1973 ms(128)
Closing Night In Vegas 23-02-1971(192)
Clouds Parting Over Vegas 16.08.1971 (192)
Columbus 06-25-1974 es(192)
Coming On Strong 13+16-02-1977(160)
conquering the falls_1974 06 24 ES(192)
Crying time in Vegas 12-08-1973(160)
Cut em down to size(160)
dallasseventyfive 06-06-1975(160)
Day In Duluth 29-04-1977(160)
Dayton Ohio 10-06-1974(160)
Deep down South 03-06(various)
Desert Nights(128)
Desert Storm 02-09-1974(2CD)(160)
Dont Think Twice 29-01-1973(192)
Double Date in Jackson 8.06.75(2CD)(192)
Double Dynamite vol 1 19-08-70 (2 CD)(200)
Double Dynamite vol 2 21-08-70 (2 CD(192)
Double Dynamite vol 3 05-02-70(2 CD)(192)
Down in the alley(128)
Dragon Attack In Detroit(192)
Drifting Down from The Sky(192)

Hoop dat er voor de verzamelaar nog iets bijzit dat nieuw is :)

"Till we meet you again, may god bless you...Adios" Elvis Presley

Some would compare Elvis to God, i mean... he is good, but he's no Elvis

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