<< MAC Back-In-Time v2.0.1
Back-In-Time v2.0.1
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Category Applications
GenreSystem software
Date 1 decade, 4 years
Size n/a
Website http://tri-edre.fr/english/backintime.html
Sender Phatt4D
Tag Phatt4D
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Post Description

Back-In-Time v2.0.1

Back-In-Time. allows users to transcend Time Machine restoration possibilities.
Back-In-Time offers an easy access to all the data backed up by Time Machine.
Features that you can do with Back-In-Time only:

-Show how many versions of each document are available, and when they were saved.
-Show items that were deleted.
-Drag and Drop to copy items anywhere.
-Open multiple browsers at the same time.
-Handle multiple Time Machine disks.
-Access Time Machine data from other Macs.
-Preview different versions of each document.
-Can delete items in Time Machine backups.
-And much more..

Version 2.0.1:
-Add a step-by-step help for using Back-In-Time, available in the Assistant menu.
-Add an assistant to analyze the volumes and display the Time Machine data found.
-Enhanced the detection of new version and the updating process.
-Fixed an issue that could crash Back-In-Time when there is a large number of errors while deleting items.
-Fixed an issue that could use the items in the latest backup, and not in the selected backup.

Mac OS X 10.5 or later.


|| Lees altijd de "HowTo" op de .DMG eerst voor de verdere info!!

|| Mac software uitpakken doe je op een mac!!
|| Gebruik geen SABNZBD, maar NNTPGrab/NZBvortex/Unison/etc..!!
|| SABNZBD kan MIJN apps vernaggelen tijdens het uitpakken!!
|| En het kan zijn dat SABNZBD mijn spots niet compleet binnenhaalt!!

|| Volg Phatt4D op Twitter: @Phatt4D

|| Incl 10% Par2

|| Staat in:
|| a.b.mac

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