<< ePub Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe - A to Z Update Vol 1 #4 (of 5, 2010).
Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe - A to Z Update Vol 1 #4 (of 5, 2010).
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Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe - A to Z Update Vol 1 #4 (of 5, 2010).

1 CBR, Marvel, Released Oct 20 2010, 68 Pages, 33 MB.

Our mission to catalog the entire Marvel Multiverse (and beyond!) continues! Includes 64 pages of all-new profiles of many of Marvel's finest characters, covering every corner of the MU! The World War II-era Red Guardian! Longtime supporting-cast members Wong and Sister Maggie! Alien races Sidri, Nuwali and Golgotha! The Negative Zone's Prison 42! Mutant-menacing Mister M, Sentinel Squad O*N*E and Tryp! The all-powerful Star Brand! Marvel UK's Black Axe! And, from the pages of the THANOS IMPERATIVE: Guardians of the Galaxy! Featuring brand-new art for dozens of characters, drawn by Gus Vazquez! -- marvel.com

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