Post Description
Back-In-Time v2.0.3
Back-In-Time allows users to transcend Time Machine restoration possibilities.
Back-In-Time offers an easy access to all the data backed up by Time Machine.
Features that you can do with Back-In-Time only:
-Show how many versions of each document are available, and when they were saved.
-Show items that were deleted.
-Drag and Drop to copy items anywhere.
-Open multiple browsers at the same time.
-Handle multiple Time Machine disks.
-Access Time Machine data from other Macs.
-Preview different versions of each document.
-Can delete items in Time Machine backups.
-And much more...
Version 2.0.3:
-Add a new feature in the "Tools" menu to change the user ID and group ID of the selected items.
-Add an option to display the size of each file or folder in the browser.
-Various minor changes.
-Fixed an issue of the "Show Packages Contents" option.
Various minor corrections.
Mac OS X 10.5 or later.
|| Lees altijd de "HowTo" op de .DMG eerst voor de verdere info!!
|| Mac software uitpakken doe je op een mac!!
|| Gebruik geen SABNZBD, maar NNTPGrab/NZBvortex/Unison/etc!!
|| Het kan zijn dat SABNZBD mijn spots niet compleet binnenhaalt!!
|| Volg Phatt4D op Twitter: @Phatt4D
|| Incl 10% Par2
|| Staat in:
|| a.b.mac
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