Post Description
The Thing
After the enigmatic deaths of an American scientific expedition in the uncharted and frozen wastelands of the Antarctic,
a military rescue team is sent to investigate their deaths. Within these inhospitable surroundings the team encounters a strange shape-shifting alien life-form that assumes the
appearance of people that it kills.
The game brings fear and suspense to unimaginable levels, with a compelling plot and unique gameplay elements based upon action,
evasion, trust and fear.
Forget everything you ever learned about obliterating alien species simply with a barrage of violent ammunition -
this monster is difficult to see, hard to kill, and seemingly impossible to evade.
And when you actually see it, it is often too late…
Mac OSx 10.5 or later
|| Lees altijd de "HowTo" eerst voor de verdere info!!
|| Mac software uitpakken doe je op een mac!!
|| Gebruik geen SABNZBD, maar NNTPGrab/NZBvortex/Unison/etc..!!
|| SABNZBD vernaggeld je apps tijdens het uitpakken!!
|| Cider Macgames zijn eigen ports en werken op mijn Macbook Pro!
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