Post Description
Plot Summary: Kyouhei Kuga is a young man who has left his small hometown to escape from its anachronistic rules and traditions. He wants to try a new life in Tokyo as a simple university student. In the past he was a seki, title given to individuals who are able to control the mysterious kakashis. Considered as gods in the small Karakami village, the kakashi are ancient wooden wonders able to perform incredible feats. The escape of a seki from the provincial town abruptly brings to Tokyo a handful of other seki who are searching for him. Despite being so far away, Kyouhei is still haunted by the old laws and hatred between the two main families, the Kuga and the Hyuga.
Met dank aan de originele poster.
Payserver is waarschijnlijk nodig, hij is 45 dagen oud.
Zelf binnengehaald en getest.
Met spotNET haal je in 1 keer de NZB binnen.
Met spotLITE moet je zelf nog iets zoeken omdat de afleveringen los gepost zijn.
Het betreft een dual audio serie.
Veel kijkplezier.
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