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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is an animated television series produced by Hasbro Studios in the United States (for scripts) and a DHX Media's studio located in Vancouver (for animation; formerly known as Studio B Productions), which is based on Hasbro, Inc's My Little Pony line of toys and animated works. The series is considered to be the fourth generation (G4) of the My Little Pony franchise, following earlier lines and television show tie-ins in the 1980s and 1990s. The series premiered on October 10, 2010, on The Hub, an American pay television channel partly owned by Hasbro. As of November 2012, the show is in its third season, and is broadcasting internationally in dozens of countries in over ten languages. In addition to toys and home media releases, Hasbro has licensed clothing, comic books, and video games based on Friendship Is Magic.
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