<< DivX The Vampire Diaries S04 E13 (no subs)
The Vampire Diaries S04 E13 (no subs)
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LanguageEnglish audio/written
LanguageNo subtitles
Date 1 decade, 1 year
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Nu echt aflv 13 ;-)
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"Into the Wild"
The episode opens with a flashback; Shane is a desolate island off the coast of Nova Scotia, running through the woods from a man wielding a tamahawk. He eventually finds a cave where he hides. In said cave, he finds ancient scriptures and a pit. In present day, Shane takes the Gilbert's, Salvatore's, Bonnie and Rebekah to the island. Stefan tells Rebekah that she is making things difficult with Elena, who angerliy avoids Stefan, but Damon assures her that Stefan hasn't moved on. When Elena ask's Damon if he would take the cure, he says no. Bonnie takes pictures of Jeremy's tattoo to look for a written spell, while telling the story of Silas, Shane inturupts and reveals the purpose of the hunters mark was so that hunters could find Silas and use the cure of imortality to kill him. Meanwhile, Tyler arrives at the Gilbert house to confront Klaus, saying that if he is cured, he will be the one to kill him. Klaus simply taunts Tyler about his mother. While walking in the woods, Shane tells of how centuries after Silas was buried, a well was dug and the miners went made in the caves. Shane explains that on his previous trip to the island, he offered his blood to Silas and climbed into the well where he saw the spirit of his dead wife. After the story, Shane exposes hidden traps and Jeremy is attacked by a strange man, who is imediatly killed by an unseen savior. As they stop to make camp, Elena says the cure will change everyone, for the better, but tells Damon her feelings might not change. Caroline visits the Gilbert house, and asks Tyler not to stoop to Klaus's level. Klaus say's they're even; Tyler lost a mother, he lost a brother. Caroline calls Klaus out for killing Jenna and Carol, but he intrupts and bites her. Back on the island, Rebekah notices Stefan holding the tombstone, she admits she's afraid of the island and he asks why she wants the cure; Rebekah admits she was miserable as a vampire and most of her enjoying it was just and act. Shane tells Bonnie that Expression doesn't need a written spell, he says that his wife was a witch who tried to use expression to ressurect their dead son, but it overwhelmed and killed her. Damo points out the negative, saying that now that Bonnie is a time bomb, she is likely going to die from it. Shane say's that his survival is important - he's keeping Bonnie alive, so she will keep him alive. Meanwhile Jeremy wakes up to see a man standing in his tent. After Caroline is bitten she panics, until Klaus forces Tyler to beg for her life. Klaus still refuses. The next morning, Jeremy's gone missing and everyone searches the forest for him. Damon keeps Shane at the camp, saying he's done trusting him. Shane continues his story from before - his wife's spirit told him the story of Silas and there is a spell to release him. When Bonnie lights a fire, it spreads into a trail. While searching for Jeremy, Rebekah tells Elena she tried to be her friend, but was just too evil. Irregardless, Rebekah rescues Elena from a death trap, and they head back to the camp. At the camp Shane said the mass murder was not an easy decsion, but all he had to do was presuade people to commit suicide, but there must be a third massacre. Tyler talks to Caroline, saying that he blames himself for everything, but she assures him that he's a leader. Tyler place her before Klaus to watch her die, knowing he has feelings for her. Irregardless, Klaus still refuses. At the camp, Damon threatens to torture Shane, but Shane say's he's only torturing himself. Damon attempts to breaks his neck but is stopped by Elena, who calls Damon out saying that they need Shane to keep Bonnie alive. Shane say's Damon's a sociopath, but Elena accuses him of messing with her friends. Damon say's he doesn't want Elena to be cured, he wants Elena to love him, but she says they take the cure together to prove that her feelings are not of the sire bond. In the woods, Rebekah and Stefan have an argument and Rebekah says that she tried to kill Elena to protect her family. They head back to the camp and find Shane, Bonnie and the tombstone are gone. As Caroline begins to die off, she continues to call out Klaus, but says he's evil because he's hurt; meaning there's a part of him that's human and she has seen it. She says he loves her and anyone capable of love can be saved. Against his own judgement, he feeds her his blood. Rebekah searches the tents and out of paranoia, says everyone is trying to hurt her. Elena calms her and hands her the white oak stake as a peace offering, saying like it or not they're in it together. Later it's revealed Shane and the man from before are working together to abduct Jeremy. Bonnie finds them but is disorinated and Shane say's Silas awaits. Meanwhile, Damon is attacked and subdued by a hunter who is one of the five.

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