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Cat. Title Genre Sender Age Size NZB
DVD9Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen 04TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months611.85 MBNZB
x264HDZankyou no Terror 03TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months497.04 MBNZB
x264HDTokyo Ghoul 04TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months537.6 MBNZB
x264HDNoragami OVA 2TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months449.87 MBNZB
x264HDNaruto Shippuuden (fillers) part 5TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months7.77 GBNZB
x264HDHunter X Hunter - 139 [HorribleSubs]TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months610.57 MBNZB
x264HDRe; Hamatora 03TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months622.14 MBNZB
x264HDSeirei Tsukai no Blade Dance 02TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months383.1 MBNZB
x264HDDragon Ball Kai - 114 [Baaro]TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months576.85 MBNZB
x264HDNaruto Shippuuden (fillers) part 4TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months11.92 GBNZB
x264HDTokyo ESP 02TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months548.66 MBNZB
x264HDTokyo ESP 01TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months594.39 MBNZB
x264HDMahouka - 16 [HorribleSubs]TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months611.33 MBNZB
x264HDAkame Ga Kill 03TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months368.57 MBNZB
x264HDKamisama Kiss 1-13 [CBM] (Dual Audio)TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months6.03 GBNZB
x264HDAldnoah Zero - 03 [HorribleSubs]TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months616.12 MBNZB
x264HDSword Art Online II 03TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months1012.58 MBNZB
x264HDSeirei Tsukai no Blade Dance 01TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months355.29 MBNZB
x264HDAvatar The Legend of Korra S3 E07TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months480.18 MBNZB
x264HDAvatar The Legend of Korra S3 E06TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months450.45 MBNZB
x264HDZankyou no Terror 02TelevisionKnight71 decade, 7 months550.41 MBNZB
x264HDFairy Tail S2 - 16 [HorribleSubs]TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months633.41 MBNZB
x264HDRail Wars! - 03 [FFF]TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months593.28 MBNZB
x264HDNaruto Shippuuden (fillers) part 3TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months11.92 GBNZB
x264HDZankyou no Terror - 02 [HorribleSubs]TelevisionPatriek1 decade, 7 months517.57 MBNZB