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Cat. Title Genre Sender Age Size NZB
TUXThe Whispered World Special Edition Linux-ENiGMAAdventureThePingPong7 years, 10 months2.38 GBNZB
MACEventide 2 The Sorcerers Mirror MacOSX-ENiGMAAdventureThePingPong7 years, 10 months1.25 GBNZB
MACWells.MacOSX-ENIGMAActionThePingPong7 years, 10 months1.13 GBNZB
MACThe.Tenth.Line.MacOSX-ENiGMARoleplayingThePingPong7 years, 10 months484.45 MBNZB
TUXDiRT.Rally.Linux-ACTiVATEDRaceThePingPong7 years, 10 months42.65 GBNZB
MACRed Barton and The Sky Pirates MacOSX-ENiGMAActionThePingPong7 years, 10 months630.48 MBNZB
MACTacopocalypse.MacOSX-ACTiVATEDActionThePingPong7 years, 10 months650.62 MBNZB
MACTurmoil v1 1 0 349 MacOSX MULTi10-OUTLAWSSimulationThePingPong7 years, 10 months47.52 MBNZB
TUXLara Croft Go The Mirror of Spirits Linux-ACTIVATEDAdventureThePingPong7 years, 10 months506.05 MBNZB
TUXSid Meiers Civilization Vi Linux-ACTIVATEDStrategyThePingPong7 years, 11 months11.09 GBNZB
MACConstructor.GOG.CLASSIC.MACOSX-SMACKsSimulationThePingPong7 years, 11 months290.41 MBNZB
MACDiluvion-RELOADEDThePingPong7 years, 11 months2.42 GBNZB
MACWar For The Overworld Crucible MacOSX-ACTIVATEDStrategyThePingPong8 years, 1 month1.78 GBNZB
TUXEnter.The.Gungeon.Linux-ACTIVATEDAdventureThePingPong8 years, 2 months1.23 GBNZB
TUXBreach and Clear Deadline Rebirth LiNUX-TiNYiSOActionThePingPong8 years, 2 months1.67 GBNZB
MACBreach and Clear Deadline Rebirth MacOSX-TINYISOActionThePingPong8 years, 2 months1.14 GBNZB
MACTyranny MacOSX-TiNYiSORoleplayingRackham8 years, 2 months6.47 GBNZB
TUXDeus Ex Mankind Divided Linux-Razor1911ActionRackham8 years, 2 months37.88 GBNZB
TUXTyranny.LiNUX-TiNYiSORoleplayingThePingPong8 years, 2 months6.47 GBNZB
MACTransport Fever MacOSX-Razor1911StrategyRackham8 years, 2 months6.59 GBNZB
MACWorld.Ship.Simulator.MacOSX-ACTiVATEDSimulationThePingPong8 years, 2 months826.74 MBNZB
MACZombasite.MACOSX-SMACKs.nzbActionThePingPong8 years, 2 months353.36 MBNZB
MACOn The Front Line MacOSX-TiNYiSOSimulationThePingPong8 years, 2 months2.26 GBNZB
TUXBattle of Empires 1914 1918 Linux-ACTiVATEDActionThePingPong8 years, 2 months2.1 GBNZB
MACMoto.Racer.4.MacOSX-ACTiVATEDRaceThePingPong8 years, 2 months2.79 GBNZB