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Cat. Title Genre Sender Age Size NZB
WINHalloween Trouble 6 Pumpkin Rampage Collector's Edition - NLPuzzleHoodlum4 months, 3 weeks235.31 MBNZB
WINSilent Hill 2 Remake DeLuxe EditionActionHoodlum4 months, 3 weeks36.79 GBNZB
WINCute Animals SolitaireBoardgameHoodlum4 months, 3 weeks162.92 MBNZB
WINCijferpuzzel 76PuzzlePowerbuzzer4 months, 3 weeks244 KBNZB
WINMaze of Realities 4 Symphony of Invention-CE-NLAdventureKwiebus654 months, 3 weeks1.32 GBNZB
WINDelicious (19) Mansion Mystery - NLPuzzleHoodlum4 months, 3 weeks254.06 MBNZB
WINJigsaw Puzzle Lovers 3PuzzleHoodlum4 months, 3 weeks275.36 MBNZB
WINIncredible Dracula (11) Academy of Shadows Collector's EditionPuzzleHoodlum4 months, 3 weeks820.05 MBNZB
WINThe Harmony Chronicles (2) Demon of The Void Collector's Edition - NLAdventureHoodlum4 months, 4 weeks1.08 GBNZB
WINPinball SpireSimulationHoodlum4 months, 4 weeks1.28 GBNZB
WINGrim Tales Light in the Darkness CE-NLAdventureKwiebus654 months, 4 weeks759.91 MBNZB
WINHalloween Stories (8) Inspirations Spark Collector's EditionAdventureHoodlum5 months, 7 hours718.03 MBNZB
WINSweet Home Look and Find 3 Collector's EditionAdventureHoodlum5 months, 1 day470.42 MBNZB
WIN26 Star Wars spellenActionMCTazMan5 months, 1 day1.18 MBNZB
WINBeyond HanwellActionHoodlum5 months, 2 days64.03 GBNZB
WINCijferpuzzel 74PuzzlePowerbuzzer5 months, 2 days225 KBNZB
WINRainforest Adventure DeLuxe - NLPuzzleHoodlum5 months, 3 days25.99 MBNZB
WINMagic City Detective 4 Wrath of the Ocean CE-NLAdventureKwiebus655 months, 3 days1.03 GBNZB
WINEnshrouded - DoDi - Repack incl Dedicated serverActionCppGebruiker5 months, 3 days12.66 GBNZB
WINRailworks addon Im Köblitzer Bergland v.3 reloadedSimulationMicrosGteam5 months, 3 days1.37 GBNZB
WINPink PanterChild/youthglorieus5 months, 4 days1.31 GBNZB
WINRelaxing Time (3) Enchanting France Collector's EditionAdventureHoodlum5 months, 5 days1016.91 MBNZB
WINDevious PathAdventureHoodlum5 months, 1 week2.52 GBNZB
WINHalloween Trick or Treat 3 Collector's Edition (update version)AdventureHoodlum5 months, 1 week631.55 MBNZB
WINElena's Journal (2) To AtlantisPuzzleHoodlum5 months, 1 week366.8 MBNZB